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British Glamour editor Jo Elvin was shocked — shocked! — to learn that for an upcoming piece about women who had lost their husbands in Iraq or Afghanistan, a freelancer named Victoria Lambert sent an email to members of Military Families Against the War looking for "photogenic" case studies. The email read:

Glamour is very looks-conscious so, at the risk of sounding ridiculous, they need to be photogenic, or at least comfortable in front of a camera! [...] The editor likes to approve each case history, so when I send her a short bio ("X is aged X and lost her husband X in the war X") she likes to see a jpeg pic too. I know this is a big ask, but it's something she demands! Hey ho!

MFAW members refused Glamour's request; a spokesperson from the organization noted, "We felt the 'hey ho' bit crossed the line of good taste."

Magazine Requested 'Photogenic' War Widows [Independent]