Marc Jacobs Porn, Literally: Michael Lucas Shoots at MJ Store

If you're looking for something or someone to do today, Jewy gay pornographer Michael Lucas' latest glossy hardcore production, La Dolce Vita will be shooting in the Jewy gay temple of fashion porn:
From: Lucas Entertainment
Subject: we're filming in the Marc Jacobs store tomorrow mornin
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 18:45:25
Before I send out a press release, thought you'd like to know, we will be filming a sex scene at Marc Jacobs at 9am on Bleeker at 403 Bleeker. Marc and MJ CEO Robert Duffy has not only allowed us to use their store in Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita, but has also insisted that we use their logo and film a sex scene in their store. They've even offered up their store workers as extras...
We're sure they'll still be there during lunchtime, if you want to "pick up a quilted wallet" or something on your break.