'02138' Party Tonight: Can't Wait to See What's on the Thematic Drink Menu

The public-schooled plebs will no doubt be pressed against the exterior of the Core Club tonight, pathetically trying to feel the magic emanating from the most fabulous event since last week — the launch party for 02138, the new Harvard glossy magazine not-officially-for-alums-but-really-for-alums. (The mag is apparently too hip for the Harvard Club — that, or they blew their financial wad on the magazine's "board of advisors," which includes the likes of Kurt Andersen and Steve Brill.) As mentioned last week, the first issue features the Harvard 100, a list of influential alumni. Included in this much-needed ranking of underrecognized and humble grads individuals:
After the unsurprising top three of Bill Gates, President Bush and Ben S. Bernanke, a few media figures made the grade. The highest, at 10th, is Bill O'Reilly (who has not let his elite Harvard master's degree spoil his populist bluster), followed by The New Yorker contributors John Updike (21) and Samantha Power (26); TV screamer James Cramer (28); Anne Sweeney, president of Disney/ABC Television Group (32); literary agent Andrew Wylie (35), and Jeff Zucker, chief executive officer of NBC Universal Television Gropu (38). The New York Times columnists Frank Rich and Nicholas Kristof are ranked slightly above their paper's managing editor, Jill Abramson.
Because no matter how far you've made it, in Harvard's world you're still tapping on the glass ceiling.