A friend passes along a promotional e-mail from Shock magazine, Hachette Filapacchi's attempt to nail down the market of those who find mouth breathing a challenge. Along with an opportunity to preview the new issue, the e-mail offers the following manifesto:

Shock is the eyes and ears of a young generation of readers starving for visual stimulation in global news and pop culture. It is an uncensored and unapologetic look at a world that American consumers have not seen before and have trouble believing even exists. It is fast, funny, dazzling and dripping with attitude. It is also smart and informative. It is not a lad book, celebrity rag, sports book or stodgy newsmagazine...yet it is packed with elements of each of these delivered with a completely unique tone and attitude that resonates with a mass audience of young consumers. It should be clear to a reader in just one read that committing to this magazine will help him acquire so much arresting and topical information and images of the vast world around him that he'll very quickly become the go-to authority in his peer group. That's a clear, valuable user benefit nobody else can provide.

After the jump, a look at the November cover.

This image was lost some time after publication.

We're guessing "Tara Reid: Hollywood sag lady" falls under the "smart and informative" rubric.

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Shock