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In response to this week's spate of Meatpacking District bashing, a reader writes:

Moved there when it was a nice, desolate neighborhood with polite drug dealers. Now, a nightmare — not just the weekend, Thursday as well. But there's a sign of hope: Markt (sic), the restaurant at 9th and 14th, is being evicted. Rumor is a retailer is coming in. Could it be that restaurants will be forced out by retailers who can pay even higher rent, thereby reducing the nightlife? Hopefully, Markt will be replaced by a Ralph Lauren flagship so I can just go ahead and kill myself (or move).

The rumors of Markt's demise have not been exaggerated. With the closing of adjacent actual meatpacker Western Beef, that whole corner is set to be remade into a glittering retail/office chunk. No word on exact timing, but definitely kill-or-be-killed (or move) time for neighborhood holdouts.

401 West 14th, Newly Sanitized for Your Protection [Curbed]