Together Again, Kate Moss and Pete Doherty Chase the Dragon

Great news for fans of Kate Moss, the rail-blowing supermodel who lost millions in contracts — and then made more millions than ever — on the rebound after she was photographed cutting lines for herself, then-beau Pete Doherty, and his bandmates. The Associated Press reports (and really, this is AP-worthy) that Moss is back with Doherty; the two are traveling together in Ireland, where Doherty's band is on tour. At a show outside of Dublin, Moss even took the stage to sing along with Doherty for a few songs.
This is fantastic for Kate, as Doherty checked himself out of a court-ordered stint in rehab last week, has pleaded guilty to five charges of carrying just about every drug, and has been arrested for possession at least 17 times in the last three hours. If she sticks around and gets "caught" with a syringe in her arm, it'll only be a matter of hours before Chanel comes crawling back.