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The Boston Herald ran a story this weekend on the profits (or lack thereof) from blogger book deals; basically, big advances for blog-to-book deals are unwise bets, as spitting out 200 pithy words doesn't necessarily mean one can spit out 200 brilliant pages. Nevertheless, publishers are still throwing money at the blogosphere, as demonstrated by the mind-boggling number of deals stemming from blogs. Granted, there are two types of blog-book (blook?) deals: former or current bloggers who sell work unrelated to their online ramblings, or books purely based on blogs (like Stephanie Klein's Straight Up and Dirty). The former isn't any less likely to succeed than anything else hitting the shelves, but the latter is just a bad idea.

Nevertheless, blindfolded publishers march onward! The latest deal is for Petite Anglaise blogger Catherine Sanderson, who was sacked from her accountant gig at Dixon Wilson after her employers discovered her life-in-Paris blog (though Sanderson never actually named her place of work on the blog). Getting a major doocing, however, is paying off — Sanderson has signed a mid-six figure, two-book deal with Penguin. Her editor says Sanderson is "a very talented writer, one that we are very keen to build so that she becomes a household name with Petite Anglaise and future books." Bloggers, take heed: right now, publishers' ignorance could be your financial bliss. Sell out while you still can!

So Much for the Blogger Book Deal Bandwagon Being Over [Galleycat]
Earlier: Not Even People on Your Blogroll Would Buy Your Book