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You may recall that we kicked off our little foray into assassinating the Meatpacking District with a simple map of the area. One thing that always amazes us is how small the neighborhood is — just a handful of blocks really, but such concentrated evil. That said, and despite all rumors to the contrary, our mission here at Gawker is ultimately redemptive. Sure, we're trying to dissuade those people who still swarm the Meatpacking District from ever doing so again, and there's a certain appeal in the idea of quarantining it behind high walls and razor wire, cutting it adrift from Manhattan, paving it over with creosote, etc. But surely there are more constructive solutions.

To that end, we're building an idealized map of the Meatpacking District as it should or could be. Perhaps the Hotel Gansevoort goes back to being a parking lot. Or Lotus becomes a day-care center/methadone clinic. Gin Lane gets ripped out, soaked in urine, and returned to its natural state as the Village Idiot. And maybe an emergency one-way ferry (Manhattan to Hoboken only, no return) docks at Hudson River Park, just to bleed off future population pressures. We have several ideas of our own, but we'd love love to hear yours as well. Submit suggestions for the improvement of the Meatpacking District to in the comments below or to Specificity is preferred — we can't map your lushly imagined scenarios of wholesale neighborhood apocalypse, much as we might like. Tell us exactly the place you want changed, and what you want it to be, and we'll weave it all together into a brighter future for us all.

Earlier: Markt for Death, Principal Hells: The Rough Guide to Soho House