Bill O'Reilly Graces '02138' Party With His Presence

Last night was the launch party for 02138, the glossy new Harvard magazine that's not specifically for alums but will only be read with any regularity by alums. The lovable snots over at IvyGate were in attendance and report that not only was the party somewhat decent (save for the speech from the UVA-alum publisher), but the magazine's good too. As for A-list attendance, however:
Our list of instantly recognizable celebs glimpsed while crashing the soiree reads, in full:
1. Bill O'Reilly
And he was there for maybe 15 minutes.
But at least he's finally getting invited to parties!
Inside the 02138 Launch Party [IvyGate]
Related: The No Fact Zone: O'Reilly Likes to Party [Radar]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of 02138