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Today's nominee comes from the bastion of grand journalism known as Vogue. There are so many brilliant Moments packed into this paragraph that we could have made it three separate entries but, for you, all for one price!

Sandra Bullock's relaxation style is more along the lines of I've-planned-to-relax-today relaxation. She has none of the harried panic you saw, for instance, when she first blockbustered in Speed, and likewise offers no sign of the haughty intolerance of her recent, critically acclaimed performance as the bigoted wife of an L.A. district attorney in Crash. As you sit down with her at Fanelli's, the almost 160-year-old tavern on Prince Street, her easy barroom hospitality immediately inspires you to order the same—a bacon-and-egg sandwich, to be precise, with the cheese, sure. And she further inspires amazement when, after you follow her order, she goes ahead and orders another one. "And can I have it to go?" she asks the waitress.

sandy gets serious [Vogue]