Hollywood PrivacyWatch: Jay Leno Fails To Entice Big Boy Patrons With Vintage Automobile

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are now posted several times a week—so start sending them in more often. Address yours to tips[AT]defamer.com (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line) and let the world hear all about the time you saw Lando Calrissian light up the produce section with his 100-watt smile.
In today's classic episode: Jay Leno; Sacha Baron Cohen; Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Paul Reubens, John Hensley, Steve Coogan, John Stamos and Bob Saget; Reese Witherspoon; Paul Haggis; Steven Bochco and Kevin Dillon; Teri Hatcher, George Lopez and Jane Leeves; Jeremy Piven; Julian McMahon and Dylan Walsh; Steve-O; Adam Brody; James Duval; Sting and Trudie; Tara Reid; Evangeline Lilly; Justin Chambers; Sean Hayes; Renee Russo; James Spader; Danny Masterson; Alfre Woodard; Rachel Hunger; Richard Simmons; Lil Jon and Rob Corddry; Billy Dee Williams; Greg Proops; Keir O'Donnell and Kyp Malone; Mickey Jones and Daniel Franco.
· We were at Bob's Big Boy in Burbank last Friday (9-16) evening when none other than Jay Leno pulls into the parking lot in some kind of antique convertible contraption. He honked the horn - it was a strange sound, almost like a fog horn - to let everyone know he'd arrived. But nobody really paid any attention. He just sat in his car waiting for people to come talk to him, but nobody did.
A couple hours later we were exiting another restaurant across the street when Leno pulled into THAT parking lot, again blowing his horn. Again, nobody really paid much attention. By now it was almost 10 o'clock at night, I assume he hadn't been home yet because we were a few blocks from NBC. Doesn't this guy have a wife?
· I saw Sacha Baron Cohen yesterday at Sinai Temple for Rosh Hashanah services. One person came up to him, and Cohen just put his finger to his mouth and went shussh!
· The South Park 10th Anniversary party last night (9.21) was filled with comedy gold: along with a very gracious and spiffed-up Trey and Matt, you had the Comeback's Laura Silverman; Sacha Baron Cohen (decidedly low-key and talking so low he could hardly be heard, and again, not wanting any pictures taken while he wasn't in character); Paul Reubens, no doubt talking about how he's going to do another Pee-Wee movie; and Steve Coogan, who was very nice and left by himself all Tristam Shandy-like. There was also a Full House reunion — John Stamos and Bob Saget — though obviously, not so much with the comedy gold. Stamos was palling around with the How's Your News crew.
We also saw the Nip/Tuck kid, John Hensley. Not as sullen-looking in person.
· In a rush on Thursday, 4:30pm, I was lucky to find a parking space at Whole Foods on San Vicente (Brentwood). As I'm parking, an even more rushing Reese Witherspoon (jeans, white oxford, black sweater, little makeup) gets into her black SUV right next to my non-descript forest green Avalon. Her children are complaining—one utters "that's it, I've had it"—to which mommy Reese responds "oh, it's so hard being you!" in a very cute way. She then looks at me, as if I'm supposed to feign some kind of "kids are so cute and so insupportable" expression. But I'm in a rush and I need for her to close her door and scoot her booty so that I can get past her, so I think I threw her a 'get outta my way, don't have time to play Holly Hobbie' look. Inside Whole Foods, I regret it. Maybe it could have been the start of a friendship?
· saw man-of-the-people Paul Haggis (get a haircut, man) today during lunch at the Brentwood Country Mart, eating at City Bakery with some other tall gangly Scandinavian looking guy). Seriously, even the dishwashers are white at that place.
· So I've had this craving for Mastro's ever since Ari and the boys went there for a celebratory meal on Entourage. Owed a birthday dinner by my pal, I figured the time was ripe last night (9-28) to cash in on a food coma-inducing evening of lobster mashed and a 33 oz. T-bone. Just as I pulled up, I saw from behind a white-haired dude walk smack into the valet stand sign, causing my awaiting companion to say to him: "Ouch. Saw that one coming." A few moments later in the lobby, the signage attack victim turns out to be Steven Bochco, the creator of Cop Rock! He seemed uninjured, and besides the tapered, too-short, light-blue-wash denim jeans and white socks with brown dress shoes, was looking pretty good. The maitre d' told him to wait around until his party had arrived, asking if he was "Steve"—he didn't like that too much—and moments later a young man arrived whom he embraced very warmly, trailed by two women. They were promptly whisked to their table.
Cut to: End of meal. I get up, feeling like an anaconda who just swallowed an entire cow, and who should be sitting directly behind me but Drama, aka Kevin Dillon, aka the whole reason I was at the joint in the first place. He was with a pretty Asian girl who had an infant in a baby-carrier and another gentleman. I immediately gushed to him about how he unwittingly caused this fortuitous meeting of like-minded carnivores. Just kidding! I quickly glanced away and shuffled out of the room, then babbled about my sighting to my friend, just like any Angeleno would do.
· So I have only been in Los Angeles six weeks, and to this point I've only had two quasi-celebrity sightings which don't really count. I saw Teri Hatcher at the grove, as well as some guy who according to my friend, was "on six feet under". Whoop-de-doo. Anyways, I was at the Abbot Kinney Festival in Venice on Saturday 9-23, and I was in the midst of scoping out some lame home-grown paint splatters when I happen to glance up and see JEREMY PIVEN stroll by, in his little zone, just meandering along noticing this and that and doing his best to pass off as a normal person. He was wearing a red bandanna, jeans and a t-shirt, which was odd to me considering that up to this point I had only seen him in his Ari-uniform. He was with some hot blonde chick, and it was funny to observe some other hot blonde chick come up to the two of them and try to convince him that he knew her from god-knows-what previous booze-heavy social event that they both happened to be at. I couldn't help but reflect on the intricacies of being a well-known actor of his stature- having to deal with the awkward situation of having to deflect rampant female attention whenever one is on a date. It must get tough. Anyways, thought you might appreciate that if Monday turns out to be a slow news day.
· Sunday Sept. 24, walking through the handicap entrance at Space Mountain in Disneyland and Teri Hatcher was waiting with her daughter and a small group to get one the ride. She was actually really sweet—my daughter was in a wheelchair and she told her party to look out and let the my daughter by. She looked just like she does on TV and like I said she was really very sweet. Same day saw Jane Leeves from Fraiser on our way to Splash Mountain. Also saw George Lopez numerous times throughout the day every time we were entering the wheelchair entrance is seemed he was leaving the same ride. by the end of the day he was saying "oh hi again" to our little group. It was quite a day. the three little girls I had with me were really excited about all the sightings.
· Julian McMahon and Dylan Walsh (the two male leads from Nip Tuck) were at Birds last night (9/22). Julian got a bit intoxicated and bought the bar a whole round at last call. He looked really hot in person, his costar Dylan was really cute too, but short. Julian was all over this hot blonde with a red skirt on, it looked like they were dating and at the end of the night he and Dylan left with her and her guy friend. It was an okay sighting, not as good as Robin Williams dancing on the bar there but it will suffice.
· a trio of sightings over the weekend:
- steve-o at tiny's k.o. on hollywood & cahuenga (9/24) bustling around in a blood-stained shirt with an entourage of older biker looking guys - asked my friend and i for aspirin because of all the whippets he had done earlier that day, and then disappeared down hollywood blvd. with some girls who pulled off his shirt to see his steve-o back tattoo, you know, to make sure it was really him.
- adam brody (sans rachel bilson) at fred 62 in los feliz (9/25) for some sunday afternoon brunch with a friend;
- and my favorite sighting of the three: former gregg araki muse/star of 'the doom generation', the soft spoken james duval grocery shopping at the mayfair market on franklin (9/25). i think he was onto the fact that i recognized him, but i refrained from becoming a total fan girl and gushing about 'nowhere'.
· Ok, so I love, LOVE these people and respect their tantra and marriage, I even went to the same school as a daughter or two. BUT: First I noticed that everyone at this beautiful out door table at The Chateau Marmont was dressed in light grey, had golden hair, and had the pallor of the walking dead. Then, I noticed how incredibly smooth all the skin at the table was. THEN, I noticed that I was staring at Sting, Trudie and some other people. When did they age? Isn't sex supposed to keep you young? 'Cause we all know about their sex life.
· Picture it...The Four Seasons Biltmore in Santa Barbara...mid-afternoon Sunday brunch (which btw is $65...yeah, we were shocked too)...we walk into the main dining room and I think to myself, "damn...that skank looks like Tara Reid." And it was; she was sitting at a table in the front quadrant of the room and positioned so that no matter when you walked in you could see her. Pucci-like do-rag on her head, tight jeans and some sort of Flash Dance-esque top (I must say she did look quite fit and appeared to be sober). We were then seated right behind her.
And now for the good stuff...in the middle of brunch she gets up and starts pacing around the restaurant on her sidekick. She wasn't talking loud enough for anyone to hear, but she was walking back and forth over the entire front half of the restaurant; sometimes she stopped by other people's tables to continue her conversation. The sad part was that no one stopped her for an autograph or recognized her...the longer she talked and walked, the more she gesticulated to get people to notice here — some angry "do what I say" motions, pointing at nothing and I did see her stomp at least 4 times. This went on for at least 10-15 minutes. Seriously. Her brunch companion (male, sandy hair, looked a little like Michael Douglas but probably only in his late 30s/40s) just sat there with his head on his hand and watched. I must try and get down there more often.
· on 9/25 at 7ish, Evangeline Lilly was sitting alone on the patio of Il Buco in Beverly Hills with hair up, no makeup on & gorgeous in front of a big Mac laptop. no hobbits in sight. She was talking to a server and seemed gracious. no one else was sitting on the patio area. I stared hard at her, and so did the fellows driving next to us. I was like "who are you lookin' at?" and he excitedly confirmed. it was my first celebrity sighting since moving back to LA, so I didn't think to whip out my camera. I just stared uncontrollably.
· Saturday 9/23 saw Justin Chambers (Grey's Anatomy's Alex Karev) lunching @ Cafe Marley on Little Santa Monica in Bev Hills. He was very nice (so much in fact that I may no longer be able to despise his character on the show) taking a photo with some fans, and chatting with me. Also, he's a very pretty man.
· Saturday, 9/23 Edendale Grill & Mixville Bar, Silverlake—Spotted Sean Hayes standing with friends in the back area, sort of maybe trying to be incognito, but failing. He had on a baseball cap and a unzipped hoodie sort of ensemble—very collegiate schlub, a little stubble, but still unmistakable—not as slight/small as I would have thought. Last time I caught sight of him, he was poking through different doorways in the bar and disappeared through one. Also spotted "The WaMu Guy", but I don't know his name...did a guest spot on Grey's Anatomy where he had an ovary. Sorry dude, wish I knew your name, but I don't, and I'm too lazy to hunt you down on IMDb. He was sitting at a table on the front patio, but kept wandering through the back, presumably to use the bathroom.
· Saw Renee Russo with a young man (possibly her son or nephew) at the Bridge movie theater (Howard Hughes Plaza, Culver City), apparently catching a 9-ish show. She was very warm and friendly to the few people who acknowledged her. She was wearing some jeans, stylish tennis shoes, cute tan jacket and matching hat.
· James Spader spotted at the Andrew Bird concert Thursday night at the Henry Fonda Theater. That's the best choice he's made since Sex, Lies and Videotape.
· Sunday, 9/24—And for my third contribution of the week...was walking next to Fred 62 in Los Feliz with a friend and spotted a slight dude in sunglasses with an alarmingly well groomed mustache at a sidewalk table. Realized after a moment that it was Danny Masterson. Honestly, Tom Selleck's lip needs to get up off its ass and take back what is rightfully its own, because that 'stache is working Masterson, not the other way around.
· Saw Alfre Woodard (9/21) on Camden Drive in Beverly Hills...she's very blonde. She was probably coming from Senna (where she gets her eyebrows done). This is so boring, I'm having trouble staying awake to type it................................................
· I just got back from TV on the Radio/Massive Attack concert at the Hollywood Bowl (9/24). I guess I was sitting in the wrong place because Rachel "Block-an-aisle" Hunter and her entourage kicked me and my buddy out of our seats. She reserved the whole aisle, and the seats weren't even that good. She looks a lot older than I thought, and the wrinkles around her mouth made it look like a puckered ass. The blonde and brunette she was stringing along with her looked like two rejected contestants on "America's Top Canine." Hope you enjoyed the show Rach!
· This Saturday 9/23 I was waiting at the gate for my plane from Atlanta to LAX when I see a bunch of flashbulbs go off. I turn to see Richard Simmons in his usual tight short shorts and signature curly hair. It wasn't the paparazzi, but tons of eager fans wanting their picture taken with him. He even obliged some by calling their relatives on the phone for a quick chat. He is truly a ball of energy even away from the cameras. The flight was delayed for an hour because our plane never showed up at the gate, which prompted Richard to heckle the ticket personal there. They, along with the rest of the crowd, were entertained by Richard so the hour passed by relatively quickly. When the plane finally did show up, Richard announced it for us without the use of a loudspeaker. He gave the ticket personal hugs and hand shakes before he boarded the plane, as well as gave all the flight attendants hugs and handshakes as he deboarded the plane. The man is truly a people person.
· Monday, 9/25. Stuck at LAX, standing in the longest customer service line ever, saw Lil Jon waiting for a flight. He looked so much like Lil Jon that I didn't think it was him at first. Then, after our flight was officially canceled and we missed the next flight out because we were still in the customer service line, we went to the crappy Terminal 7 food court (if La Salsa and Boudin bakery counts as a food court) we saw Rob Corddry. I really wanted to say something, and kept trying to "casually" catch his eye. I think I scared him instead. He looked thicker (in a good way) in person.
· 9/22 Saw Billy Dee Williams at the BH Bristol Farms. Capt. Calrissian is still very handsome and his smile just lit up the produce section. Seemed to be walking with a bit of a limp but chatted briefly with a man he knew and seemed really nice.
· 9/22: No need to Kill Bill...he seems to be doing the job himself very well. David Carradine was on my flight from Denver to LAX. Flying first class in a black suit and looking like he's done a lot of hard living. He makes Keith Richards look like a fountain of youth.
· So I went to Massive Attack last night which I'm sure was teeming with super-cool celebs, but the only familiar face that I saw was that of Greg Proops (not that there's anything wrong with him).
· Last night (9/23) at the White Horse. First we saw the depressed artist brother of Rachel McAdams from Wedding Crashers (Keir O'Donnell). He seemed pleased that we recognized him. Then around 1 am, TV on the Radio's Kyp Malone strolled in. One of our friends went up to him after a while and told him our entire group (about 18 of us) were going to see him tomorrow at the Hollywood Bowl and we were really happy he was there. I hope that freaked him out enough.
· Mickey Jones, the ubiquitous "biker-type" character actor (you know him: long, light-colored beard, hefty build. . .) was on both my to and from LAX-DEN flights this weekend. Nice to know that someone with 100+ IMDB entries is willing to sit back in coach with us the crammed in masses—almost made the ride in the loud, rickety, ancient MD-80 tolerable.
· Spotted at American Rag on Sunday: Project Runway reject Daniel Franco, with a flaming gaysian. I am ashamed to admit that he looks way better in person. Daniel Franco, not the gaysian.