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It's the end of the week! We'll have a poll up this afternoon. In the meantime, your final selection comes from the AP coverage of football's return to the Louisiana Superdome:

The ball skidded across the goal line, where Curtis Deloatch fell on it for a touchdown — the first given up by the Falcons this season. Just 11/2 minutes into a homecoming that was over a year in the making, the Saints sent an emphatic message to the NFL and the entire country. New Orleans is back. DeLoatch ran over to the stands and pointed at the crowd of 70,003, as if to say, "Take that Katrina!" Undoubtedly, many more were cheering around this still-recovering city, some of them vowing to set up televisions outside government-issued trailers that pass for homes more than a year after the storm blew ashore, the levees broke and the water poured through.

We always suspected that Katrina was Atlanta's twelfth man; nice to see her shut down.

Saints march to victory in Superdome [AP]