Porno Misses Chance to Besmirch City Hall Fountain

As part of the same film that involved the sex scene in the Marc Jacobs store, the Michael Lucas troupe relocated to City Hall Fountain on Wednesday night. This time, Savanna Samson frolics with Lucas himself in an alarmingly hetero scenario. There are other photos, but they resemble more of a De Beers commercial than a porn movie. Heading off potential objections, Lucas's publicists assures us:
Michael still prefers boy pussy regardless of his brief flirtation with the pink stuff ... and his audience can rest assured that penises featured in Michael Lucas' La Dolce Vita will only be dipping in happy manholes as opposed to happy clams of any sort. Savanna's presence in the film is purely plot driven and central to the storyline.
Who hasn't heard the old "oh no, we're not together, she's just plot driven" excuse.
Earlier: Marc Jacobs Porn Shoot: No Leather Goods Were Harmed