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What a sweaty, trailer-swaying act of infidelity on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith has joined together, a tabloid tries to tear asunder: Today's Page Six, citing a source with intimate knowledge of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's conflicting, brood-expanding plans, insists that Pitt favors the quaintly outdated penis-in-vagina celebrity reproduction method, while Jolie finds herself nostalgic for her lazy days of infant-shopping on the black markets of the Third World:

Jolie has told pals she's ready to adopt again - but Pitt, it seems, is not. "Brad wants another child, preferably a boy - but he wants a biological boy," said our snoop. "He is adamant and wants her to get pregnant again right away."

If this rigorously sourced report is to be believed—and really, why shouldn't we believe it?—we all need to recognize Pitt's skill as an interpersonal politician. Not only did he recently execute the calculated masterstroke of putting off the couple's wedding plans by publicly tying them to the gay marriage issue, he's now parrying his partner's family-building desires by threatening her with another career-stalling pregnancy. We're sure that the crafty Jolie will ultimately outmaneuver him (probably by offering to stay knocked-up until menopause, leaving him the sole breadwinner), but for now, Pitt clearly has the upper hand.