Volver earns the prestigious title of "centerpiece" in the prestigious 19-day New York Film Festival. People, presumably those of prestige, flock to buy moderately-priced $40 admission tickets. [flavorpill]
• Slightly less prestigious but no less talented, the NYC Photobloggers Conglomerate or somesuch gathers tonight in Soho at the Apple Store. Rock geek out with your cock out. [NYCPhotobloggers]

• The New York-Tokyo Music Festival hosts a plethora of events for the anime obsessed. There will be Japanese dreadheads and Talib Kweli, but Harajuku Lovers will not be admitted. [flavorpill]

• In SubUrbia, drunk 20-somethings (i.e. Kieran Culkin) discuss sexual fantasies while lounging on a convenience store bench. Wow, the suburbs really are boring. [SST]