'NYT' Photo Scandal: Like Reuters in Beirut, But Sexier

From today's Page Six, a follow-up on last week's La Dolce Vita porn shoot at Marc Jacobs that is sure to shake the Times to its very core:
A source at Lucas Entertainment, which is producing an adult-version remake of "La Dolce Vita," tells us it was the snapper's idea to pose Savanna Samson topless with co-star and director Michael Lucas cupping her bare breasts - defying the paper's rules against posed pictures. Lucas Entertainment declined to identify the lensman.
This could be a problem, but don't worry — things should be quickly resolved. Bill Keller spent the entire weekend locked in his office with the shades drawn, giving the pictures a very close look.
The Bare Truth [Page Six]
Earlier: Marc Jacobs Porn Shoot: No Leather Goods Were Harmed
Related: Reuters Cans Photographer After Crappy Photoshop Job