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The San Francisco Chronicle falls in love with actor David Ellison, 23-year-old son of billionaire Oracle founder Larry:

He drives to auditions in a silver Ferrari and goes home to a waterfront spread on Malibu's ritzy Carbon don't know whether to hate him, try to become his new best friend or simply admire him for having nothing to do with Oracle.

David seems to have inherited the Aura of Awesome from his father, without the accompanying kind-of-a-dick-itude of the man who reneged on his one philanthropic promise: a medical research endowment for Harvard. Then again, the reports from "friends" of David haven't yet poured in. Those stories would fit just fine in the comments section (just pick a username and password, and we'll approve the account if your gossip's good) or in an e-mail to

Billionaire's son flies on his own [SF Chronicle]