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You may recall Stephanie Adams, model, Playmate, author, lesbian, and alleged gun-toting vampire. For many moons now, Adams has been tangling with Metadish, the blog formerly known as BlogNYC, over God knows what trivial shit. Anyway, Adams recently stepped on the next logical rung of F-list perdition, namely teaching a class at the Learning Annex: "How to Marry Rich: The Rich Are Going to Marry... Why Not to You?". Our own former comrade AJ Daulerio sat in on the class for the New York Press, and we'd happily link to his account of the sad affair if the NYP website wasn't slagged. However, the best/worst parts are reproduced on Metadish, where Adams's detached demeanor gives her the "sex appeal of a colostomy bag." The class sucked, even by Learning Annex standards, and a refund was issued. This low opinion was pretty universal apparently, as Adams has already been replaced as course "instructor" by Jewish dating micromogul Shoshanna Rikon (though Adams's name and picture remain in the course title and "Your Instructor" blurb. Not sure what the next level of hell is after the Learning Annex won't have you, but time will tell.

Stephanie Adams Stinks Up the Learning Annex, Speaks at a "How to Be a Gold-Digger" Seminar [Metadish]

Earlier: Taxi Driver Beset by Gun-Toting Vampire Lesbian Model Author

[Image: Getty]