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If you'd any doubts about the sixth borough's inferiority issues, take note: Philadelphia bloggers have resorted to teacup-sized dramatics in what can only be interpreted as a desperate attempt to assert their place in the primarily New York-based pantheon of bitchy bloggers. As reported by Philly's Daily News, the collaboraters behind Philly media-gossip-culture-catch-all blog Philebrity, Joey Sweeney and Jonathan Valania, have ended their blogationship. Yep, this is the stuff Philly media gossip is made of:

Valania and Sweeney, both former staff writers at Philadelphia Weekly, parted ways over the summer due to differing creative visions. "Yeah, mine was to not suck," Sweeney says.

My, how sharp your claws are! So what's Valania to do now? Why, start a rival blog called Which is a really catchy title, we admit, but perhaps a bit too high concept. Might we suggest something slightly more original and appropriate, like Phuckwit?

Battling Bloggers [PDN]