Ann Coulter Dangerous To Your Sanity, Employment Status
Because God knows what we need right now is another book condemning Ann Coulter, the 45-year-old columnist best-known for wearing a cocktail dress and sandwich board that reads "Will malign for money," Reuters reporter Joe Maguire put pen to paper and came up with "Brainless: The Lies and Lunacy of Ann Coulter [45]. Unfortunately, after Maguire showed the galleys to his corporate overlords, he found himself unemployed because of Reuters' strict adherence to a policy of balanced coverage even when it comes to covering the wildly unbalanced. It's not all bad news for Maguire, though: the Times reports that, upon hearing of his dismissal, "20 or so employees at the markets desk where Mr. Maguire had been one of two editors in charge 'took a group coffee break' in solidarity on Thursday." Which is a real tribute: those guys only did a five-minute smoke break when Reuters canned Adnan Hajj.
At Reuters, a New Book and a Lost Job [NYT]
Earlier: Reuters Cans Photographer After Crappy Photoshop Job