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• Meet Priyantha Silva, the drunken leech who feeds off of Manhattan's more exclusive social scene. As a semi-professional gatecrasher, he poses as Conde Nast editors, claims to be a producer, and like a true ass, pulls the "do you know who I am" routine at doors. Maybe he could go work for Page Six? [Radar]
• This weekend's Saturday Night Live featured a parody of "New York Stories," with Fred Armisen and Amy Poehler playing Lou Reed and Patti Smith, respectively. Their moaning about CBGB and the evils of gentrification is disturbingly spot-on. [YouTube]
• A special moment between New Yorker editor David Remnick and Jon Stewart that you missed — because you, like the rest of the world, couldn't get tickets. [Jazz in Strange Places]
• Will James, beloved cartographer and creator of the grid for our Subway Smell Map, had a nasty server crash last week. Drop him a little recovery change if you can. [onNYTurf]
Radar publisher Katherine Rizzuto ditches Maer Roshan's pet project before the magazine even launches. Apparently things were so bad, she opted to go to Conde Nast's Bridal Media group instead. [FishbowlNY]
• Getting people to sign off on being ridiculed by Borat is easier than you'd think, considering people are stupid. [Newsweek]