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Back in July, producers of A Mighty Heart deemed Angelina Jolie "ethnic enough" (a commonly used industry term applied to any actor or actress whose features and complexion are more "exotic" than those of Gwyneth Paltrow) to play Mariane Pearl, the biracial widow of murdered journalist Daniel Pearl. Today, Paramount Vantage has supplied USA Today with this "exclusive look" at how the film's make-up department went about the delicate task of transforming Jolie into a less thoroughly Caucasian-looking being. Those worried that Jolie's casting might usher in "a new generation of Hollywood in blackface" should have their fears of racial insensitivity allayed, as what we see here could really herald nothing more than "a new generation of Hollywood in bronzer and a wig* the stylist thought was 'just the right amount of kinky to pull off the half-Afro-Cuban thing.'"

[*To truly appreciate Jolie's wig-based powers of physical transformation, please follow this link.]