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Not a lot of news on the Aleksey Vayner front this morning, except to note that the douchebag had YouTube take down his infamous video; the American heroes at IvyGate have re-upped it and it can be found here. Also, an observation: We've been getting a considerable amount of mail from shady organizations who are now creating fake Vayner profiles on their websites in hopes of a link. How sad is that? You go from promising young sociopath to spam-baiting joke in a week's time. There's something almost poetic about it. Also, we (and, apparently everyone else in the world) received a copy of Aleksey's birthday party e-mail: You'll find it after the jump.

From: Aleksey Vayner
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2006 10:46 AM
Subject: Party Invitation for You / Press Release

Dear friends,

I would like to invite you to my party in NYC on August 19th, starting
at 8:30pm, at ? A nice bar/lounge located in Midtown
Manhattan. Enjoy the company of great people, live DJ,
all-you-can-eat-appetizers, large plasma tvs, dance, and great specials
on all booze!

Besides celebrating my birthday, I just published a book, Women?s
Silent Tears and would love to use these as reasons to get together and
party with my friends! The book, available at
- is a gendered study on the Holocaust, through the eyes of survivors.

All proceeds from its sales go to fund Youth Empowerment Strategies
(, a non-profit organization for immigrant
children that my great team and I launched this summer as well (Another
great reason to party?!) Attached you'll find Publisher?s Press
Release, should you find the topic or the cause of interest to someone
you know.

So I really hope you can come, and have a great time! Celebrate, dance,
eat plenty, and of course for some of us ? just get wasted!!!
(Under-age invitees need not worry, you?re set)

1. Please reply to this email if you WILL or MIGHT come = having
semi-accurate headcount will significantly ease my life.
2. If you want/need a place to stay in the city, let me know and I?ll
take care of that on first-come, first-serve basis.
3. Under 21? = reply to this email so that your name is on a list =
getting in will not be a problem at all, guaranteed.
4. Party has no cover. You are welcome to cheap to help cover cost.

I hope to see you soon, and I hope that you are having a fantastic

Much Love,

Aleksey Vayner