Mel Not a Monster, But Friend Kind of Is

In his forthcoming Good Morning America interview with Diane Sawyer, Mel Gibson confronts his intense hatred of Jews, saying that his recent anti-Semitic comments were just "the stupid rambling of a drunkard" and that "the last thing I want to be is that kind of monster." Alas, someone might want to remind Mel that one is often judged by the company one keeps:
It's good to know Mel Gibson's friends adhere to the same rigid code of conduct he does. Rod Bernsen, the former Los Angeles TV reporter and police officer who was arrested Saturday on charges of molesting young boys aboard a cruise ship, is a close and longstanding friend of the Braveheart star, according to an entertainment industry source.
But hey, at least he's Catholic. Or so we reasonably suspect.
Update: Or maybe he's actually Jewish, as we're told. Which would totally vindicate Mel, right?
Mel Gibson's Pedophile Police Pal [Radar]
Mel Gibson Says He Feels 'Powerless Over Everything' [ABC]