Michael Arrington's house for boys (not that there's anything wrong with that)

TechCrunch tech blogger Marshall Kirkpatrick, innocently blogging about "rent-free" housing in a roundup of the "gay male online social networking space":
ManJam offers listings for rooms and houses for rent or to live in rent-free.
CrunchNotes, the personal blog of TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington (above right), mentioning his housemate (above left), the creator of Techmeme:
Gabe Rivera noticed it since I was still sleeping and he made the decision to wake me up as it was "a situation you might want to deal with."
Please tell us, for the sake of Mike's girlfriend, that Gabe pays rent.
Eight Social Networking Sites for Men Who Love Men [TechCrunch]
So My Electricity Was Turned Off Today [CrunchNotes]