But Don't Ask Her About Beards

Who is Arianna Huffington's publicist? Because after putting in some serious overtime (where isn't she being profiled, interviewed, or featured?), he or she has taken to hitting up the NYU Journalism listserv in the name of political powerhouse CosmoGIRL!:
From: [xxx]
Date: October 11 2006
Subject: Leadership/Interviewing opportunity at CosmoGIRL! Interview Arianna Huffington!
To: Journalism Undergrad Announcements
CosmoGIRL! magazine is looking for a female in the New York area between the ages of 18 and 22 to conduct an interview with best-selling author and high profile blog extraordinaire Arianna Huffington.
What a unique opportunity to interview such an underexposed talent! Oh, do tell us more:
The interview is scheduled for this Monday, October 9th [sic?] and should take no more than an hour. Ms. Huffington is perhaps best known for founding the HuffingtonPost.com, the nation's top political blog and fifth most popular blog on the internet, as well as her passionate efforts for political and social awareness and reform.
This interview is part of the CosmoGIRL! editorial series titled PROJECT 2024 which encourages girls to become leaders in their communities. The premise is to get a woman in the White House by the year 2024 (the year that our youngest readers will be eligible to run) and every month we interview a major power player. Past profiles have included Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, legendary journalist Barbara Walters, and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
The chosen interviewer must be passionate about politics and the world of blogging. She will work closely with a CosmoGIRL! editor to draft questions that target finding the secret to Arianna's success and be pictured in a 2007 issue of the magazine.
If interested please send the following to [xxx] no later than Thursday, October 12 at 4pm:
1. Your complete name and contact information (email, home phone, cell phone, address)
2. Birthday including year
3. A brief description about you and your plans for the future
4. A brief explanation of why you find Arianna inspiring
5. A picture of yourself (it doesn't have to be formal but if there are other people pictured please specify which one is you)
This is an incredible opportunity that shouldn't be missed! We look forward to hearing from you!
CosmoGIRL! Magazine