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Sensing that this much-circulated photograph of Alec Baldwin trying to bypass a blockade set up in the aftermath of Wednesday's tragic NY plane crash by charming a police officer with a rendition of his favorite line from Glengarry Glen Ross ("What's my name? Fuck you, that's my name!" naturally) might make her client seem insensitive, Baldwin's publicist explained away the incident (and another one that occurred the same night) thusly, according to Page Six:

ALEC Baldwin still has a hot temper. The actor was photographed Wednesday screaming at a cop who was directing traffic away from the Cory Lidle plane crash site on East 72nd Street. Then, a few hours later at Grand Havana Room, Baldwin loudly asked the hostess for a working telephone. "I asked you a question in English and I would like an answer in English. Do you have a working phone in that room? . . . That is outrageous. That is totally unacceptable." Baldwin's rep said he was simply asking the cop for directions and, "Alec would never ever make fun of someone's English."

It's crucial that Baldwin's flack moved to quickly diffuse the situation with the hostess; even more than a year after Russell Crowe's very expensive throttling of that mouthy concierge, tensions are still high between celebrities and service industry personnel, especially when questions about the operability of telephones are raised. Without the publicist's swift dissemination of her client's side of the story, Baldwin might have found himself the victim of wholly fictional phone-bludgeoning claims by the opportunistic, English-impaired hostess.

[Photo: Reuters]