• After polling New Yorkers on their thirteen worst fears, Pyscho Clan founder Timothy Haskell based his third annual fright fest based on the results. Shit yourself in a haunted house in each borough. [Haunted House NYC]
• Williamsburg celebrates Friday the 13th and its paraskavedekatriaphobia (a fear of Friday the 13th) with an art gallery that explores common phobias you love to hate. [WUNYC]

• DUMBO reminds everyone that it's still very gruppy with the 10th annual Art Under the Bridge Festival. The something-for-everyone festival features art, panels, tours, etc... [flavorpill]
• Eat a live cockroach, go to the head of the line at Six Flags Great Adventure. If only Craigslist apartments presented the same opportunity. [NYM]

• Bryant Park proves its relevance beyond Fashion week with Great Read in the Park, a Times-sponsored event featuring Gloria Estefan, Eve Ensler and a lot of other authors of varying levels of fame. [Great Read in the Park]