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  • Is it just me or does CNET's president look like a younger, hipper Mark Foley? If that guy IMed you, would he make you a little horny? [CNET]
  • The owner of bitches that visitors looking for YouTube are costing him tons of bandwidth — then refuses a million-dollar offer for the site. Says he's holding out for 2 or 3 million. I think I speak for all of us when I say "fuck you." [Mashable]
  • Someone's stalking my boss, Curbed blog publisher and Gawker Media managing editor Lockhart Steele. (I found out because I stalk him too.) [NY Observer]
  • Flacks will have to pay press release distributor PRWeb to get their glorified spam out to journalists. The system's still broken until they have to pay the journalists. [Online Marketing Blog]