Air America Radio: No Longer Just Morally Bankrupt

Between crying over Jessica's departure and the drunkening that ensued, we missed this last Friday - Air America Radio filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This development doesn't surprise anyone who was paying attention (or even those who weren't, like us), as the air of America was rife with reports of unpaid bills and low listenership.
Of course, the bankruptcy filing just means AAR can keep the creditors at bay -at least the ones not wielding baseball bats- and Franken et al. are not going off the air. This baby-eating lefty remains indifferent, however.
Far from providing a feisty counterbalance to the Limbaughs and the Hannitys of the world and washing the great unwashed, Air America seemed to reinforce the Red State's idea of liberalism. It'll take more than the sweet, melodious voice of Randhi Rhodes to convince middle America that terrorist-hugging liberals aren't the cause of all evil. And this latest episode of "Dude, I can so get you the money, I just need a little time" didn't help matters much. You're good enough, you're smart enough, but you know what? People fucking hate you.
Air America Radio files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy [WaPo]
Earlier: BREAKING: Air America Broke