Great Moments in Journalism, much like everything else we do here, relies on reader tips. Tip.

Okay, the polls are closed, and the big winner is Darryl Fears, who compared the late Damu Smith to a honey graham cracker. In a bit of break with tradition, we're sending Mr. Fears a variety of Teddy Grahams for future inspiration.

Anyone remember Gib Lewis? He was the Texas House speaker who, during a ceremony for a group of wheelchair-bound honorees, uttered the immortal, "And now, will y'all stand and be recognized?" Today's Moment is a bit like that, and it comes from a recent Times report on the protests at Gallaudet, the nation's only liberal arts university for the deaf. Students are upset about the appointment of Jane K. Fernandes as the university's new president. Their complaint, with our emphasis added:

Though students and faculty members were on the presidential search committee, protesters complained that their voices were not heard, and that the search was biased to favor Dr. Fernandes, who has the support of Dr. Jordan.

Yeah, we can see that being kind of a problem.

Protests Shut University for Deaf a 2nd Day [NYT]
Related: Culture War Engulfs Gallaudet [DCist]