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Hoping to stretch its scoop on last week's on-set choke-down between Grey's Anatomy's Patrick "Dr. McDreamy" Dempsey and Isaiah "Hopes For A Cute Nickname All But Dashed By Roughing Up A More Popular Co-Star" Washington across two issues, the National Enquirer has sent out an e-mail blast update about the melee this morning, spotlighting Washington's attempt to remove all ambiguity from what he meant when he called Dempsey a "bitch":

The melee has set off World War III on the show and may cost Isaiah his job," an insider told The ENQUIRER.

"The cast is divided over the shameful event."

As The ENQUIRER exclusively revealed last week, Patrick and Isaiah clashed over cast members being late to the set, right before shooting a scene at Prospect Studios in Los Angeles.

A heated discussion quickly escalated to violence when Isaiah snapped, revealed an eyewitness. At one point, Isaiah yelled, "I'm not your little faggot like (name deleted)," according to the source. Those who heard him were stunned.

Because of the extreme nature of the slur, The ENQUIRER is withholding the name of the co-star targeted by Washington.

Expect yet another speedy explanation from scrambling publicists, who will seek to diffuse the situation with a fresh, "families as close as ours sometimes fight" angle, probably something to the effect of, "Who doesn't grab their little brother by the throat once in a while and angrily question his sexuality, while simultaneously calling into question the sexuality of another brother? Jesus, did you people grow up with the Von Trapps or something?"