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Since we shocked and awed you yesterday with footage of our i-banker friend A.J., we've received mountains upon virtual mountains of emails asking for more. And what better way to find out more about a man, or at least what a man wants everyone to think of him, than a MySpace profile (account deleted)?

A.J. greets us with the headline, "Zoom Zoom", perhaps harking back to his more humble days when he drove a Mazda instead of the drop top Porsche featured in the Cain promo. He chose a blurry self portrait for his profile pic, although the modesty is belied by the luxurious gold frame on the mirror. He has customized the page with a classy black background and sets the mood with a stylish, albeit predictable, Thievery Corporation tune. We learn that, to no surprise, his favorite films and books include Glengarry Glen Ross, Wall Street, Art of War and Machiavelli.

Now we know more about A.J., but what little bit that the MySpace profile offers has only served to whet our appetite. Can you shed any more light on A.J.? We're all ears.

Update: Sadly, A.J. has deleted his profile. We were afraid this would happen. Alas, we'll just have to hold on to the fond memories and our browser cache. [MySpace]
Earlier: This Is What We Are Up Against