Letter From The Guest Editor: Farewell, My Fugcubine

It's been a excellent three days guest-blogging for the absent Seth, peeking into the heretofore mysterious Defamerverse. The tone for the week was pretty much set by my first morning flogging with some of Mark's sharper and longer hair extensions; after that, it was a nonstop carnival of changing his WhiteStrips every 30 minutes, being choked out every time we disagreed on whether David Banda or Sean P. Federline would win in an arm-wrestling match, and having to bow to him thrice daily wearing what I was told is the legally mandated guest-blogger uniform: leggings, a potato sack, four belts, and Ugg boots. So it's with great regret that I leave this marvelous, life-affirming experience and return to the welt-free world of shredding celebrity style. Hopefully every once in a while, Jessica will give me a loving, nostalgic throttle. Thanks for the memories!