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While we may be obsessed with our $200-cocktail drinking, resume-forging buddies on Wall Street, we haven't forgotten about the dirty stinky hipsters. And with Halloween fast approaching, what better way to find cues for your Halloween costumes from people who dress funny on a nightly basis? So take a seat with your pumpkin latte and take a ride with Blue States Lose, where we select the very best that hipsters on The Cobrasnake, Last Night’s Party, Misshapes, and Ambrel have to offer.

After the jump, Alex Blagg continues his search for his long lost father.

10. Misshapes. October 7th, 2006 photo #098: Veronica Villane suspects that Princess Coldstare has been stealing all of her attention. Good thing Douchielle Hammett is on the case - he's the best dick in this entire trashcan of a town, at least when he's not hitting the bottle of Smirnoff Ice.

9. Last Night's Party. Book Tour LA photo #4663: We knew things were bad, but surely the situation in Iraq couldn't be so dire that even our nation's fucking fabulous are forced to fight. Private Fantastik reporting for duty, sir!

8. The Cobrasnake. Mustards Different photo #5027: Actually, I think I'll be casting my vote for you setting yourself on fire and jumping into a pool of gasoline. Just kiddin', brah - hang loose!

7. The Cobrasnake. Mustards Different photo #4996: Interestingly enough, Golden Nylon is ALSO the most recent name he's given his shitty freak-folk-disco-punk band. They're working out a few songs for an EP or something, and his friend knows the guy who books shows at Northsix, so he's just, you know, like focusing on that right now.

6. Last Night's Party. Book Tour LA photo #4898: Maybe if you could look totally fucking hardcore eating a slice of Papa John's, you'd be a famous tough-guy punk rocker with brass nucks around your neck and a teenage pop star girlfriend, too!

5. Cory Kennedy's Blog: I'm thinking about giving "Quotable Cory" a permanent position here in the 5 spot as sort of a little reward for your having made it this far. Let me know whether or not you think this is a good idea. And, as usual, try to guess which of the following was NOT written by Cory Kennedy, the most fabulous little name-dropping runaway train ever to speed down the tracks. Answer's at the end:

a) "given bijou phillips, devon aoki, and lidsay lohan taking parts in the film is obviously something that gives you just a hint of how thought provoking, and exhilarating it is....."
b) "sitting at del taco booth w sheperd fairy & mark ronsen. jez calls to know when crispin glover party starts. sooooooo excited to model nakies for him. going to disney tomorrow to ride the madder horn."
c) "we went to carrie fishers house to drop sean off.... she is probably the most eccentric woman ive ever met, even if i hadnt met her, i would think the same by the decor of her house."
d) "... i was wearing my guns n roses t shirt (i told you i would never take it off!) and as were walking jack asks me what did that guy say to me.... and i said he said he li......i really couldnt believe who i was looking at. i was telling jack and in literally mid sentence.... slash. walks. in. the. room."

4. The Cobrasnake. Raising RV Cahill photo #4217: This would be nice little homage to The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan if Bob Dylan had been wearing an ironic Mets hat with neon green sneakers, a hot pink "Fuckawesome" hoodie, and a gay fannypack. Oh well, at least it's not the Last Night's Party guy reimagining Blonde on Blonde as two strung out Pratt flunkies licking Chinese food off of each other's tits.

3. Misshapes. October 7th, 2006 photo #071: ...and then goldilocks fucked papa bear, and their dipshit daughter lived drunkenly ever after. The End.

2. The Cobrasnake. Mustards Different photo #5108: You might think that hipsters are worthless wastes of space with no discernible talents outside of playing other people's music "DJ-ing", but you would be so very wrong. These kids are goddamned MacArthur Grant-worthy geniuses at finding idiotic shit to do in public restrooms. First, it's chicks rolling around in their own vomit, and now it's Steve Aoki fucking break dancing while some douche pisses all over himself. I mean, what could they possibly come up with next? Oh, fuck.

1. The Cobrasnake. Look For Cabin 45 photo #4827: "Hey, let's play cowboys and indians! I'll be Rootin' Tootin' Heroin Shootin' and you'll be Goes Down In Bathrooms. The Don Hills Civil War has forced me to live among your tribe of Drunkenho natives. Once I've gained the trust of your people, maybe they will change my name to Runs With Douches!"

*It's B!