Trade Round-Up: Farrelly Brothers To Break Out Best Cripple Jokes For NBC

The Farrelly Brothers, Hollywood's go-to guys for jokes about the handicapped, team up with Reveille (you know them better as the people who brought you Americanized versions of The Office and Ugly Betty) to adapt I'm With Stupid for NBC, the story of a guy who moves into his wheelchair-bound pal's home for the disabled. [Variety]
Trade Paper Redesign Mania! About a week after Variety got some cosmetic work done, THR unveils its own facelift. Don't worry, we're pretty sure that terrifying image of Rupert Murdoch is just tied to their top story, not a permanent fixture on their homepage. [THR]
· William Morris, always immune to the agenting fads that sweep up their younger, hipper rivals, are eschewing the currently hot relocation destination of Century City to kick it old-school in Beverly Hills, building a new headquarters just two blocks from their current office. [Variety]
Fox's World Series ratings rebound from a Saturday disaster to a respectable Sunday night number, raising hopes that this won't be the lowest-rated Series in history. [THR]
A NY judge orders to trial a case that claims that the idea for the Michael Bay disaster The Island was appropriated from Parts: The Clonus Horror, in which a clone escapes from the secret colony where he was being grown for spare parts. The highlight: DreamWorks' claim that the plaintiffs are "not entitled to any damages because 'The Island' wasn't profitable," an argument that seems to say it's OK to steal if the movie a studio eventually makes is shitty enough to bomb. [Variety]