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  • Om Malik discusses Microsoft's fear of online apps. Apparently they've never been to Ning, home of web2.0 abandonware, with notable apps like Who's a Bigger Douche. [Business 2.0]
  • Slate has a video history of youTube. Soon to be including clips of themselves on Court TV [Slate]
  • NY Times covers Silicon Valley's secret to success. The "20-minute rule...if a start-up company seeking venture capital is not within a 20-minute drive of the venture firm's offices, it will not be funded." So you future startup CEOs, take a good look. You're not on this map, you're out. [NYTimes]
  • Washington Post notes AOL executives have been spared prosecution due to a five-year statute of limitations on fraud. Can someone mail the U.S. Attorney's office a free 90-Day AOL CD so we can finish this? [Washington Post]