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On Monday, talk radio pundit Rush Limbaugh got his first jab in against rival Michael J. Fox, the first shot in what we hope will become a full-blown war between the two parties. Limbaugh accused Michael J. of exaggerating the effects of Parkinson's Disease in his appearance in Missouri Senate candidate Claire McCaskil's campaign ad. You can watch the ad in question here, but did you notice anything? We certainly didn't see anything weird. Not at all.

"This is the only time I have ever seen Michael J. Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has," said Limbaugh, "this is really shameless of Michael J. Fox. Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting, one of the two." Well shit, Rush totally missed his last season on Spin City.

He was gracious enough to add, "I will bigly, hugely admit that I was wrong, and I will apologize to Michael J. Fox if I am wrong in characterizing his behavior on this commercial as an act, especially since people are telling me they have seen him this way on other interviews and in other television appearances."

But seriously, we're still kinda disoriented from watching that ad. Exaggerated or not, that's one hell of a guilt trip.

Limbaugh on Michael J. Fox ad for MO Dem: "Either he didn't take his medication or he's acting" [MMFA]
Michael J. Fox [Claire McCaskill]

Update: Alex P. Keaton should be bigly, hugely expecting a fruit basket from Rush. As TNR's The Plank points out, all that shaking is a side effect of the medication and Parkinson's patients don't move at all when they're off the meds. Is it just us or is Rush starting to look like a jerk? Maybe a bit?