The 'Borat' Premiere: Peasants, Prostitutes, And Sleepy Celebrities
Somehow, our invite to last night's Borat premiere at the Chinese Theatre got lost in the mail (the easy joke here is to blame the Kazakh postal service for bungling the task by getting too drunk on fermented horse urine to complete their appointed rounds, then shooting their most reliable delivery-donkey—and if you know anything about us, you know we're constitutionally unable to resist the easy joke), but the wire service photos of the event proved amusing enough that we've assembled the greatest hits into a gallery for your leisurely perusal. As he did at the Toronto Film Festival, Sacha Baron Cohen hired some extras to enhance the experience with the cultural flavor of his adopted home country: peasants dragging bales of hay, ladling the aforementioned, equine-produced hooch, and brazenly offering their sexual wares partied alongside strong-bodied, benutslinged bathers in matching neon swimming caps. Note also the telling photo of Courtney Love, whom a Defamer operative who was actually in attendance noticed falling asleep during the premiere, an unexpected catnap our attendee described thusly: "an impossible feat, to fall asleep during all that laughter, especially for a SOBER person such as she."
You can view the whole gallery here.
[All photos: Getty Images]