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There may have been a rainbow-colored lining to the dark cloud of incivility that has been hanging over the Grey's Anatomy set recently, but that has done little to ease the high tensions still running between stars Isaiah Washington and Patrick Dempsey. The widely reported altercation had Washington allegedly outing co-star T.R. Knight to the cast and crew in just about the least "up with Gays!" language imaginable, moments before shoving Dr. McDreamy by the neck, an assault that inspired an entirely new vocabulary of "choke"-rooted terminology. (Chokegate, Dr. McChokey, David Chokachi, etc.) But all that is now thrown into question—at least according to this report, sent in by a Defamer operative who exists merely one personal-training degree of separation away from McDreamy himself:

I see Patrick Dempsey a couple times a week as we both are clients at the same trainer.

"He's an asshole, but he didn't choke me."

There ya go. From Pat's lips himself.

Before we go to the trouble of having to re-Photoshop all our art to read "AssholeGate," and acknowledging that every story has two sides, we now open it up to anyone who may have caught wind of Washington's own, off-the-record version of events: Perhaps someone who attends the same JazzerPilates class as the actor, and couldn't help but overhear when he told the instructor, "So I'm thinking to myself, 'To hell if I'm going to let the pizza delivery kid from Loverboy and his boyfriend lecture me about 'call sheets' and 'wiggle room'. Hell yeah, I choked the bitch!"