'NYT' Puts Pauley In Fake Article, Pauley Puts 'NYT' In Real Lawsuit

There's an old joke about a guy who gets a flat tire in front of a mental institution. It's dark, and as he's putting the spare on he somehow knocks away all the lug nuts. After about ten minutes of fruitless searching, he hears a patient from the hospital yell down through the window.
"Hey mister," yells the patient, "you lose your lug nuts?"
"Yes," says the guy apprehensively.
"Well, why don't you take one nut off of each of the other wheels and use them for your spare? You should be able to get home that way."
The guy thinks for a second and realizes he's right. "Thanks," he yells up. "That's brilliant! How'd you come up with that?"
"Mister," yells the patient, "I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid."