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New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin accuses press of not covering the vast swathe of stories in New Orleans that don't involve rape, poverty, sluggish reconstruction, municipal incompetence, or women being vivisected and baked in ovens. [E&P]
Former GE head Jack Welch wants to buy the Boston Globe, which would help current owner The New York Times company focus on just running one paper into the ground. [NYT]
Vanity Fair's redesigned website offers readers "easier access to Vanity Fair's archives, Web exclusives and slide shows," and, starting Monday, extensive use of the word "twat." [WWD]
"By any objective measure, Barry Diller is grossly overpaid," says Jonathan Weil, managing director of research firm Glass Lewis. He's referring to a study that placed the IAC/Interactive chairman's 2005 compensation at 295 million dollars. So if you've got a website based around pictures of drunken coed boobies and Barry comes knocking at your door, hold out for some extra cash. [NYT]