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We just got a memo that the Wall Street Journal, the paper which shamed the New York Stock Exchange into closing in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, has finally acknowledged the holiday itself:

First, we're pleased to announce that we are adding Martin Luther King, Jr. Day as a holiday in 2007 for those colleagues covered by the U.S. corporate holiday schedule. Martin Luther King Day will be treated as an additional holiday, bringing the total number of company holidays in 2007 to eight. We note that even though the company's holiday policy and IAPE contract contemplate otherwise, we are not reducing the number of personal days provided for 2007; they will remain at four for next year. (We also note The Wall Street Journal will not be printed on Martin Luther King Day.) The company is providing this additional benefit in recognition of the increased effort so many of you are putting forth for Dow Jones. And we are happy to be able to honor the memory of Dr. King by celebrating this holiday.

We're thrilled that everyone at Dow Jones has labored so mightily that they finally get the opportunity to celebrate the life of one of our country's most important moral figures. Keep up the good work, especially those of you on the Editorial page. After all, if a man is called to be a nutjob, he should scribble his batshit crazy screeds even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should scribble screeds so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great nutjob who did his job well.