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The hive of Gawker interns has grown large enough that they may specialize in certain tasks, assuming they evolve the properly chitinous thorax. We're seeking a new intern to assist with photography, specifically original photography. This person will rarely take pictures, if ever; instead, they will assist Gawker photogs with the hairy process of sorting, uploading, identifying, captioning, and other charming tedium. In addition, this person will help oversee the schedule for events worthy of Gawker coverage. Regular contact with objectionable publicist types is all but guaranteed. Attending events to assist photogs with subject wrangling and alcohol disposal encouraged. Non-negotiable requirements: Must live in New York City. Must be adept with Flickr, competent with basic Photoshop, have at least one eye for photos, and be generally image-savvy. Must have reliable free time during mornings after events in order to help process photos. There is some small pay involved. If interested, write in with a very brief paragraph justifying your suitability to