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As the mercury dips and days grow shorter, those rooftop barbecues and lazy afternoons on the beach are but distant memories. But no matter the season, hipsters are always in at Blue States Lose. We select the very best from The Cobrasnake, Last Night’s Party, Misshapes and Ambrel to get you through the cold, dark months.

After the jump, Alex Blagg makes his endorsements for Election Day.

10. The Cobrasnake. Swamp the Bread Boat photo #6331: Sorry princess, but the guy in the Sloth costume is totally out of your league.

9. The Cobrasnake. Swamp the Bread Boat photo #5954: I will personally contribute 10 dollars to the production budget for Scream 4: the Hipsters Get It!

8. Misshapes. October 14th, 2006 photo #021: Shhh, Chester Cheetah is thinking hard about what he could possibly dress up as for Halloween this year. Maybe he should just ask his good friend Lenny the Leopard.

7. The Cobrasnake. Stag Shag photo #9779: The only thing worse than a DJ is a DJ with no shirt on.

6. Last Night's Party. Dirty Basements photo #6536: Movie producer Robert Evans is THE costume for the 2006 Halloween season.

5. Cory Kennedy's Blog: Time for another round of "Quotable Cory" in which you try to determine which of the following semi-sentences was NOT taken from the blog of LA's dopiest teenage party-crasher. Answer's at the end:

a) "after went to go pick up katie parfet to go meet vincent at the chateu. we went to teddys after that. hiltons were there. bleh."
b) "left with kirsten, chris, and bradley from project runway (aka my uncle) to go eat del taco."
c) "then diego luna pinched my butt outside kriss angle's party cuz i asked him about rodrigo's necklace that got stold."
d) "we went outside to look for some gum and i asked this group of people for some. then sienna miller just takes her gum that she was chewing in her mouth and gives it to me."

4. The Cobrasnake. Street Nylon photo #9590: Speaking of Cory Kennedy, our little nilla waifer is all grown up now, getting name-checked as an "It" Girl in Page Six's supremely creepy piece about Vincent Gallo's affinty for "sexy orphaned Jew teens". We couldn't agree with the Sixies' assessment more, provided this "It" they're describing refers to "malnourished underage foundling who dropped out of high school to start a full-time career in having her body exploited by whichever tweaked out scenester makes the best case for how they can help make her famous".

3. The Cobrasnake. Swamp the Bread Boat photo #6063: Way to bring the originality, Devilwhore.

2. Misshapes. October 14th, 2006 photo #146: Chickadude, you were partying with the same smack-heads and goth queens back in like '89. Now that you're approaching your mid-forties, isn't time to start thinking about settling down and opening a vintage clothing store or something?

1. The Cobrasnake. Swamp the Bread Boat photo #6149: This Champion of Nightlife isn't embarassed to have himself photographed grasping the budding breast of a barely pubescent teenage girl. After taking her to the mall, reading her LiveJournal and watching six straight hours of Laguna Beach, he's fucking earned this.

*It's C!