Angelina Jolie Ready To Send Orphan Militia Into Battle Against Alleged Embezzler

There is probably nothing sadder than watching a celebrity's good intentions, especially the kind manifested in large monetary donations made to regions that have previously proven themselves to be fertile adoption grounds, taken advantage of by those hoping to prey on their charity. Never one to be a victim, Angelina Jolie has announced that she may sue a man she alleges has been lining his own pockets with the money she sent to be dispersed to a conservation cause in Cambodia:
"We are considering filing a lawsuit to recover the hundreds of thousands of dollars that is missing and which he was responsible for," Trevor Neilson, who is the philanthropic and political advisor for Jolie and partner Brad Pitt, told The Associated Press in New York Monday.
Neilson was referring to Mounh Sarath, director of Cambodian Vision in Development, to whom Jolie once gave funds for conservation and community development work in Cambodia.
"We have specific evidence (of) him having taken the money, and we are considering whether to file a lawsuit or press charges against him in Cambodia," he said.
Should the legal system fail to deliver an acceptable, expedient remedy for the aggrieved actress, Jolie has threatened that she's prepared to return to Cambodia to personally settle the matter. She's confident that the army of mohawked orphans her associates have been quietly training at her Phnom Penh compound over the last year are finally battle-ready, and more than willing to unleash pint-sized hell against her enemies upon her long-awaited signal.