Anna Nicole Smith Accused Of Subjecting Infant To Home Hair-Coloring Products

While she hasn't yet gone so far as to take the enterprising step of leasing out her baby daughter as a human billboard, Anna Nicole Smith has proven to be a savvy businesswoman when it comes to bartering her family's most private moments of joy and sorrow for cold, hard cash. Larry Birkhead, the photographer who steadfastly insists that he, and not Smith's always lurking lawyer/fake-husband Howard K. Stern, is the child's real father, is now accusing Smith of knowingly tinkering with her baby to make her paternity story seem more plausible:
An attorney thinks TV reality star Anna Nicole Smith, who usually sports platinum blonde hair, may have dyed her infant daughter's locks to make it appear the father is Smith's companion, Howard K. Stern.
Smith's ex-boyfriend Larry Birkhead, who claims he is the father, saw the child with dark hair in leaked snippets of an Entertainment Tonight interview of Smith, his attorney Debra Opri said Monday.
"It's horrendous," Opri said. "We are calling our experts right now to see if dyeing an infant's hair is any way toxic or harmful to a child."
Opri fails to account for a second scenario that would have spared the child's tiny scalp from a head full of ammonia-coated aluminum foil: Her daughter might have been sporting a custom-made baby toupee, colored, cut and styled to look exactly like her alleged birth father's well maintained, professional coiffe, and paired with a wee briefcase to complete the miniature-lawyer illusion. It was an ambitious and labor-intensive disguise, true, but seemed entirely more convincing than Smith's initial plan to scribble "Howard's Babee" across Dannielynn's abdomen in thick, black Sharpie.