• Behind the deal, volume V: How much did Wired pay for Reddit? One commenter: "If the alien waves, over 5 million." Another: "Tired: Asking how much Reddit was bought for. Wired: Buying Reddit yourself." [Reddit]
  • Disclosure: Apparently Reddit cut a deal to license its voting system to Valleywag's parent company. Full disclosure: Our boss didn't know about it. Fuller disclosure: Since those Reddit guys are moving to San Francisco, if they need another roommate for an apartment, I'm looking. Just sayin'. [BusinessWeek]
  • Google starts sharing ad revenue with video makers. Will that kill revenue-sharing video site Revver, or can the startup flex its power as a full-service talent agency and outshine Google? [CNet]
  • Behind the deal, volume VI: Billionaire Mark Cuban shares some hearsay about Google's purchase of YouTube. For instance, a whole $500 million of YouTube's $1.65 billion windfall allegedly went in escrow to potentially pay for copyright lawsuits, and Google organized a legal squeeze on YouTube's competitors while the video site cut deals with music and movie companies. [Blog Maverick]
  • Know how wiki site SocialText congratulated competitor JotSpot for selling itself to Google? Now SocialText is handing out free services to user migrating from JotSpot. SocialText founder Ross Mayfield may look like a pretty boy, but he plays dirty. [SocialText]
  • Today in "I can't believe they're serious": The startup "Hobeez" — a social site based on hobbies, not hobos — couldn't look worse if it was built by a blind first-grader during recess. Its logo was designed with the satirical Web 2.0 Logo Creator. And yet its founders are e-mailing pitches to bloggers. [Hobeez]