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Voice gadabout Tricia Romano takes on this new-fangled photoblogging phenomenon, which has

...helped convince regular people they are amazing enough to get their photo taken. (Merlin Bronques of and Mark Hunter of, I'm looking at you.) Coupled with the digital-photography boom and the prevalence of photobloggers, a paparazzi-type feel has erupted at every nightclub — places where not too long ago, anyone, famous or not, could let loose anonymously. Now people don't just want you to take their photos, they expect it.

All the regular douchebags (or whatever we're calling them now) make an appearance (as does Gawker shutterbug Nikola Tamindzic, who is most assuredly not a member of that fraternity), including our good friends the Misshapes, who star in this absolutely priceless anecdote:

This summer, MTV Books will publish a MisShapes photo book. The party's posed portraits have become so iconic that Scott Meriam, who shoots the images, says that during Madonna's famous visit last year, she seemed to know precisely how to look for her "quote-unquote 'MisShapes photo.' She knew exactly what the photo was." Indeed, on Saturday night I was standing next to a wall so unremarkable that I was stunned when an obvious newbie shrieked, "Oh my God! Is that the famous white wall?"

While you're rubbing your eyes at that one, Romano hits you with one more:

Sometimes clubbers simply take matters in their own hands and insert themselves in the frame. Or they do what one drag-queen did to me at Rated X Saturday night — after assessing the result on my camera, she made me take another shot. Snap. "(MisShapes DJ) Geordon and I have a saying," Meriam says. "'Just shoot everyone.'"

If only.

Us Weekly [VV]