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  • Reflecting on an interview with TechCrunch blogger Michael Arrington, a Reddit co-founder says the site "isn't serious" — and no one inside the tech bubble understands that. [Raw Thought]
  • Why Windows shows you annoying, unnecessary popups: "Not many people have gotten a raise and a promotion for stopping features from shipping." [MSDN blogs]
  • Elevator-pitch presentations? Yawn. Elevator-pitch contests? Now there's a chance to make someone cry. And we all love to see a startupper cry. [PR Leap]
  • Kazaa, the disappointing successor to Napster, agreed to pay $10 million to music companies in a settlement over accusations of copyright infringement. [NY Times]
  • The Electronic Frontier Foundation is representing blog 10 Zen Monkeys in a lawsuit against Michael Crook, who tried to coerce the blog into taking down the photo (Crook on right) you see here. The whole thing started because Crook griefed some sexually adventurous Craigslist users and published their personal information, and 10 Zen Monkeys railed against his actions. What a whiny emo kid. [10 Zen Monkeys]